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Outsmart the Home Inspector When You Sell

We have some inside information for you: a home inspection report can panic a buyer for two reasons. The first is when one or more significant items come up that represent a major expense – this one is obvious. The second reason is less obvious and involves a buyers’ response to a large list of problems, even though many of them may be simple to repair and are just deferred maintenance items.

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Home Inspector Advice on How to Maintain a Home

As a 30+ year home inspector in Phoenix and overseeing more than 125,000 inspections, I have some opinions about the care of a home. Generally, it can be said that:

  1. Most people today are not properly maintaining their home.
  2. Most people don’t understand the financial impact of a failure to maintain their home.
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Heads-up for Safety Concerns

While doing a Phoenix area home inspection for a homebuyer we came across this gas company Red Tag dated a year prior regarding a gas leak at the water heater. If the tag is still in place a year later,…

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