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Ways To Improve Indoor Air Quality In Your Home

Indoor air pollution can be just as severe as outside air pollution, if not worse. And given that the average American spends 87% of their time indoors, you’d think we’d hear more about indoor air quality. However, keep calm. You may immediately enhance your indoor air quality with some preventative maintenance and some fundamental understanding, and also with the Best Home Inspectors in Phoenix. Read on to learn the ways to improve air quality in your home.  

Ways to Improve Air Quality In Your Home

Carbon monoxide is a typical air contaminant caused by natural gas that leaks into your home without being burnt off. Pets’ indoor air contamination from the outdoors to hazardous gas leaks are just a few examples of air pollutants. Lead and asbestos fibers, which can harm the lungs when breathed in, are often found in older dwellings. Mold and mildew can cause problems in bathrooms and kitchens since these rooms usually have higher moisture levels than other rooms in your home.

The following actions can be taken right away to enhance the air quality in your home:

Change your AC filter

The air conditioning system in your home operates continually to keep the temperature comfortable all year long. However, some common air pollutants are filtered away when they circulate through all that air. Their air filters eventually clog up and stop functioning. This impacts the quality of your AC system and indoor environment, which may ultimately necessitate costly repairs. Therefore, if you are prone to allergies or live in a city with high pollution levels, change your air conditioner’s filters regularly or enroll in an air conditioning service plan that often covers this service.

Change filters of other appliances

There are other factors at play in your home environment besides your AC filter that contribute to clean air. If you’re serious about improving the air quality in your home, check the filters in your other appliances. Check and maintain your vacuum cleaner, dryer, and kitchen vents regularly. Every few months, these ordinary household filters should be cleaned or replaced.

Check your air ducts

Every room in your house has a comfortable temperature thanks to hot and cold air distribution by air ducts. However, ducts not designed or maintained correctly can transfer toxins from one area to another. In your ducts, dust, pet dander, and even mold can build up over time, lowering the air quality in your home. Hire a professional to ensure that the air flowing through your ducts is clean and fresh.

Use cooking vents

The kitchen is a significant source of indoor air pollution. To purify the air while cooking, switch on the kitchen vents or open a window. Both carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide are harmful byproducts of gas burners. Even electric burners release these comparable pollutants at low concentrations, along with additional easy-to-absorb chemicals.

Control humidity in your home

The hot summer months might bring about incredibly humid conditions depending on where you reside. Asthma and allergies can be exacerbated by mould and mildew since they prefer moist, sticky settings to grow. Numerous humidifier solutions can help maintain stable humidity levels and improve the comfort of your home. By placing a few dehumidifiers in strategic spots, you can decrease the moisture in the air and prevent the growth of bothersome mold.

Keep your rugs and carpets clean

Rugs and carpets do more than make your house more comfortable. They serve as their air filters by capturing dust and other particles in their many fibers. Weekly cleaning will ensure that your carpets and rugs continue to do their part in enhancing the indoor air quality in your house.

Buy indoor plants to freshen the air

The natural air filters of nature are plants. The greatest options for removing pollutants from the air are larger palm trees and small plants like ferns and lilies (which blossom indoors). A few indoor plants can do wonders for your home’s air quality while complementing the interior design.

Invest in an air purifier

Use of an air purifier may be beneficial if you have an indoor allergen allergy and cannot control the source of the issue, such as because you refuse to give up your family pet. These gadgets, especially ionic purifiers, can help capture some irritants that might cause your symptoms if installed in the regions of the house that are used the most frequently. Although you generally won’t be able to eliminate these allergens, you can reduce their intake, which might improve the issue.

Also, think about installing a dehumidifier in wet locations, such as a basement, to help stop mold development. Bathrooms are another place mold may grow, so ensure they are well aired and clean off any apparent mold.

Improve ventilation

To increase air circulation and reduce the number of dangerous particles in your home, ventilation involves bringing in fresh air from the outside. If the weather permits, it’s a good idea to open the windows. Additionally, you can use window fans to push potentially hazardous air out and draw fresh air in. Unfortunately, because the outside air may already be polluted, this is not a viable choice for towns close to busy roads or industrial facilities. Also, avoid opening windows when there is a wildfire smoke occurrence.

Use the mechanical ventilation that your home has; for example when cooking, run an exhaust fan over the range, and turn on the bathroom exhaust fan when taking a shower. Ensure that your vent vents to the outdoors because, regrettably, many just vent indoors, recirculating the contaminated air. If so, you might want to try opening a window. You can get assistance from Arizona Home Inspection Companies to know more about your home’s ventilation and if it can have better ventilation per its location. 

Your home’s air must be clean and breathable with effort and routine upkeep. If you are mostly asymptomatic, you might not give the air quality in your house much thought. However, the truth is that air quality has a considerably bigger influence on your health than you might think. You now know a few easy ways you can do on your own to lessen indoor air pollution. At the same time, you can also contact the best Phoenix home inspectors, who can help you learn more about your house and the improvements you can make.

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