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Replacing old or missing weather stripping around exterior doors helps to prevent drafts as well as hot or cold air intrusion that raises the cost of air conditioning and heating. In this video tip, we show you how to easily replace weather stripping on your home’s doors. Missing or damaged door seals are a common problem found in Phoenix area home inspections, but it is a low cost issue to fix.

Tools & Materials Needed

  • New weather stripping.
  • Measuring tape.
  • Scissors or utility knife.
  • Scraper.
  • Pliers.
  • Brush and cleaning cloth.
  • Dull putty knife.

Steps To Replace Exterior Door Weather Stripping

  1. Determine which type of weather stripping the exterior door requires. The two major types are vinyl clad with a spline and adhesive backed foam. If your home uses vinyl clad with a spline weather stripping, it is usually best if you can locate the exact same type at your hardware store. If you cannot, adhesive backed foam weather stripping can be used.
  2. If the weather stripping is rounded, or looks like it has a cloth covering, it is likely the vinyl clad with a spline type and can be removed with a pliers. The spline fits into a slot cut into the door frame. If adhesive backed foam weather stripping is used, it will need to be scraped off. Be careful to not damage the paint. If the paint is damaged, the door frame should be painted and allowed to dry before applying new stripping.
  3. Carefully brush and clean the area where the new materials will be applied.
  4. When selecting foam type stripping, purchase foam that is the same width as the thickness of the door jamb. The foam should be soft and the same thickness as the old stripping.
  5. Sometimes the weather stripping has shrunk, so it’s usually best to measure the door frame and cut new strips based upon those measurements. Cut the material to the exact measurements of the door frame area you wish to seal.
  6. For spline type stripping, push the spline gently into the slot cut in the door frame. If it’s a little tight, use a plastic or dull putty knife to nudge it into position. Apply adhesive backed materials to the door jamb, not the door frame.
  7. Check the door to see if the weatherstripping seals properly. If a piece of paper is slipped into place when closing in the door, you should not be able to easily remove the paper when the door is closed.
  8. Make sure the door latches properly and the locks work. If you cannot lock the door, then the material you used may be either too thick or too hard.

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