Hard water deposits can look bad and may prevent faucets and shower heads from operating properly. The white or yellow crusty look comes from a buildup of minerals and calcium naturally occurring in a water supply.
It’s easy to remove hard water deposits if you follow the instructions in this do-it-yourself video.This method should also make your faucets and shower heads look like they are brand new.
Tools & Materials Needed
- Vinegar.
- Plastic bag and thick rubber band for shower heads.
- If you remove the shower head, you will need Teflon tape.
Steps To Remove Hard Water Deposits from a Sink Faucet
- Remove the faucet head or screen. The screen assembly is removable on most bathroom sink and kitchen sink faucets.
- Place it in a bowel and cover it with standard household vinegar. Let the faucet head or screen soak in the vinegar overnight.
- In the morning, rinse the head and carefully screw it back into place.
Steps To Remove Hard Water Deposits on a Shower Head
- For shower heads, it’s usually easier to use the alternate “plastic bag” method shown in the video.
- Fill a plastic bag with enough vinegar to immerse the crusty parts of the shower head. Let the shower head soak in vinegar overnight.
- In the morning, carefully remove the bag with the vinegar.
- Wet a soft cloth and wipe any residue from the shower head. If any crusty buildup remains, repeat the process.
- If the shower head was removed, the threads on a shower head pipe require sealing with Teflon tape when the shower head is replaced. To avoid that step, use the plastic bag method. If you need to remove the shower head, pick up some Teflon tape from a local hardware or plumbing store. To use the Teflon tape, wrap it around the threads on the shower pipe two or three times before screwing the head back in place.